The Belmont School Home and School Team (HAST) is a small group of parents who give their time to support the school by organising the school's fundraising and family-focused, social events for the school community.
Joining HAST is a great way to become involved with the school community, meet other parents and make a positive contribution to the school. All parents and caregivers with children at Belmont School are welcome to join.
A variety of fundraising activities take place through the year, including raffles, pizza lunches, sausage sizzles, bake sales, ice block Fridays and calendar art. We also coordinate the branded school hoodies and sunhats and arrange fun events like school discos and pool parties. We are always open to new ideas!
You’ll find more information on current fundraisers and copies of our termly newsletter on the recent notices page of the school website:
Over the years the Home and School Team’s fundraising efforts have been responsible for obtaining a range of equipment and resources that would not have been available to the children within the school’s normal budget. The wonderful junior school playground is an example of the efforts of HAST fundraising.
We'd love to have some new members join the HAST team. Being involved doesn't require much time – meetings are optional (twice a term) and you can choose the activities you are interested in getting involved with.
If you would like more information or are keen to join please get in touch via email [email protected]
We look forward to meeting you!